Новогодний литературно-исторический вечер «Франция: еда как источник радости и разочарования у Бальзака, Флобера и Золя» | 10.12.2024
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«Astana Mining & Metallurgy» Forum & Expo
25.05.2017 13:00 - 15:00


On May 25-26 in Astana (Kazahstan) VIII International Mining and Metallurgy Congress and Exhibition “Astana Mining & Metallurgy” — AMM-2017 will be held.

Global analysts forecast recovery from the crisis, the rise in prices in MMC for 2018-2019. Many companies have focused on reducing costs and improving profitability of existing assets. “AMM-2017” Forum proposes to discuss the mining sector development strategy with the focus on exploration, mining and metallurgy.
During the program of the Forum AMM 2017, the structure of which distinguishes 4 basic sessions, the following themes will be discussed:
  • the increase in production and development of new types of products in MMC,
  • the ways of overcoming the deficit of breakthrough innovations in exploration,
  • the subsoil code, attracting investments in geological exploration, energy resources, industrial and environmental safety in MMC, processing and enrichment technologies, innovative technologies and global experience in MMC
  • the stabilization of metals and capital markets.
The Astana Mining & Metallurgy Exhibition — is the leading platform for presenting companies, displaying products, establishing business links and sourcing new business partners. At the exhibition VIP tours will be organized with participation from heads of state, industry ministers and high-profile visitors.
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