Новогодний литературно-исторический вечер «Франция: еда как источник радости и разочарования у Бальзака, Флобера и Золя» | 10.12.2024
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Changes to the law on personal data — how your business is affected
30.07.2015 14:00 - 16:00

 On September 1, 2015 the Federal law 242 FZ will come into force and change existing regulations e.g. on personal data, information technology, data protection etc. In our seminar Helge Masannek will explain what will change and how companies need to react. We will discuss the different interpretations and inform about possible legal consequences if the law is violated.

With practical examples Thomas Titsch will explain the impact on companies’ IT infrastructure and necessary strategies on how to structure data processes.
8:30 Registration and coffee


  • Transfer of personal data abroad: current regulations
  • What will change with the new law
  • Legal effects from violation of new requirements
  • Personal Data in IT Systems
  • Practical examples, e.g. Cloud based programs, copies and more
10:30 Networking and coffee
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