В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Currency risks insurance and reduction of conversion operations costs as a result of using currency market instruments
16.06.2016 15:00 - 17:00

The Franco-russian chamber of commerce would like to invite you to participate in seminar of partners «Currency risks insurance and reduction of conversion operations costs as a result of using currency market instruments» on the 16th June.

Purpose: to show with real examples practical and economic benefits of currency conversion and currency risks insurance for business. To explain the features of direct conversion operations with Euro, US Dollar, Yuan and other currencies at the Moscow Exchange.

At the seminar you will learn:

  • About Moscow Exchange: history of development, markets, professional bidders;
  • Which laws regulate activities of the Exchange and Broker (guarantees of safety of customer funds);
  • How access to trading is provided; What currency pairs are traded at the Currency market; How to buy or to sell currency;
  • How to get an extra income; How to fix the exchange rate; How to hedge currency risks.

Program of the seminar:

9:30 – Registration, coffee.
10:00 – Part 1. Moscow Exchange and the currency market. History of its development.

Speaker: Daniil Korablev

10:30 – Part 2. The basics of direct access to the market working with broker:

1)      Legal aspects, legislative rules.
2)      The system of Client-Broker-Exchange intercooperation.
3)      Benefits of direct access to financial markets at the example of currency market

Speaker: Viktor Lebedev

12:30 – Lunch.
13:10 – Part 3. Technical part of access:

1)      SPOT and SWAP transactions.
2)      Limits system.
3)      Main facilities of trading software.

Speaker: Viktor Lebedev

15:00 – Coffee.
15:20 – Part 4. Practical using of financial instruments.

Analysis of strategies, used at the currency market to get an extra income and to insure the currency risks.

Speaker: Viktor Lebedev

17:00 – Informal part 


Daniil Korablev,
The head of non-credit organizations cooperation department of PJSC Moscow Exchange

Viktor Lebedev,
The director of the Financial atelier «GrottBjorn»

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