Новогодний литературно-исторический вечер «Франция: еда как источник радости и разочарования у Бальзака, Флобера и Золя» | 10.12.2024
В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Cyber insurance conference
02.11.2016 14:30 - 16:30

Electronic technologies today take a big part in ourdaily life and are used in most areas of enterprises’activity. Traditional brick and mortar businesses aremoving more towards E-commerce meaning that storage and processing of personal, functional and payment data is performed online, exposing it to fraudsters and hacker attacks as well as for disloyal employees.

For example, almost 100% of large enterprises’ production facilities are automated and an interruption of the controling system may impact the work process for many days resulting insignificant losses of income and rising recovery spending.The statistics shows the increase of impacts and share of Cyber crime within all economic crimes. The annual Allianz Risk Barometer survey about the top10 economical risks confirms this trend. The Cyberrisks rise year by year in the rank of most challenging threats to the business. In September we asked our clients about the meansand sufficiency of security measures. You will besurprised by the results!

Be sure to come, and you’ll learn more how to counter modern threats.

More information

Contacts for registration:
Tatiana Botova
+7 (495) 232-3333, ext. 6564
Ozerkovskaya emb., 30 Moscow,
Russia, 115184


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