В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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24.09.2018 08:00 - 17:00

Open Russia LNG Debate Proposition: This House believes that Russia will take 15-20% of the world LNG market by 2030 Participation is free of charge

Open Russia LNG Debate will be held in Barcelona, Spain on 17th of September. Experts and participants will discuss perspective of Russian LNG projects in global market. Russia’s ministry of energy says that with a view of national ongoing and planned LNG projects coupled with global LNG roadmap, Russian companies are able to occupy to 20% of global LNG market share before 2030 and raise its annual production to as much as 100 m tonnes. LNG production projects announced in Russia (Yamal LNG, Arctic LNG, Baltic LNG, Sakhalin-2, Pechora LNG, and others) contribute to Russian economic performance making its future in the global LNG arena more promising than ever before.

Among the speakers of Open Russia LNG Debate:
  • Mark Gyetvay, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board, CFO, Novatek. Presentation topic: Perspectives of Russia’s LNG market.
  • Melanie Lovatt, Finance Advisor, Poten & Partners. Presentation topic: Financial aspects of Russia’s LNG projects.
  • Matthew Russell, Vice President – LNG, Siemens.


  • Matt Drinkwater, Senior Editor — Gas, Power and LNG at Argus Media

During the debate the participants will: 

  • Learn about the latest updates of Russian LNG industry
  • Get the information about flagship investment projects
  • Engage in a thought-provoking discussion with peers and partners and assimilate a variety of information about the potential of LNG industry in Russia
  • Explore the opportunities and prospects to gain a tangible advantage for the company on the Russian market
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