В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Загрузка Мероприятия
HR compliance in Russia: new trends and exposures
16.09.2016 14:30 - 16:30

During the business breakfast Mazars’ experts will present you the analysis of the following topics: 

1)      Recent amendments to the Russian Labor Code
2)      Employment conditions for key management of the Company
  • General Director: specifics of labor relations and limitation of powers
  • Chief Accountant: peculiarities of  labor contract
  • Bonuses and dismissal payments 
3)      HR compliance review: scope and practical value 
  • Exposures related to HR procedures
  • Available instruments to reduce risks
  • Maria Semenova, Head of Tax and Legal Department, Mazars
  • Lubov Gribanova, Corporate Compliance and Migration Manager, Tax and Legal Department, Mazars 
9.00 – 9.30: Registration
9.30 – 11.00: Presentations
11.00 – 11:30: Q&A Session
11:30 – 12.00: Networking
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