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i-SAFETY Cyber Security Forum
09.02.2016 15:00 - 17:00

i-SAFETY\CyberSecurityForum — the main Russian conference event on digital safety with participation of large number of Russian and foreign experts – will take place in Moscow on February 9, 2016.

The primary aim of the Forum is to facilitate exchange of practical experiences and discussion of best practices in the field of “digital safety” (including awareness-raising, technological issues, strategies and solutions, legislation and governance), as well as analyzing new actual trends in this field. Forum’s workshops are devoted to the issues of technologies and software, awareness-raising, legal issues of digital safety, problems of legislation and decision-making, roles of specialists and users in maintaining cybersecurity, mobile and content safety in the digital environment.
The Forum is being held every year since 2008 – and this year it will have its original name i-SAFETY again. All these years it has been the place for dialogue and cooperation between industry and government, Russian and foreign experts, Internet-users and business. Also it is the place for experience exchange and search for new solutions and practices to provide better protection in the digital environment, including practices of self-governance in digital safety, for the better and positive Internet.
The Forum will be held exactly on Safer Internet Day – the international date to promote safer and positive approach to Internet and use of digital possibilities. Safer Internet Day is celebrated since 2004 and coordinated by Insafe – the European network of Safer Internet Centres, this year SID events will be held in about 120 countries all over the world. The forum is the official event of SID campaign in Russia and will be the main event of Safe Runet Week – the official SID campaign in the Russian Federation, with events in many regions of Russia from February 2 to February 9.
Full event schedule and registration: http://runet-id.com/event/csf16/


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