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International commercial arbitration: outcomes of 2022 and expectation from 2023
Вебинар Бесплатное
24.01.2023 15:00 - 16:30

ALRUD Law Firm is honored to invite you to participate in our webinar: International commercial arbitration: outcomes of 2022 and expectation from 2023.

This year international companies doing business with Russia had to face the new realities. The changes of the last year did not spare the sphere of international commercial arbitration – they boosted the parties’ interest in arbitration and changed the arbitration landscape at the same time. In such circumstances, the traditional recommendations on drafting arbitration clauses, choosing arbitral institutions and other aspects of arbitration involving Russian parties became to certain extent outdated and require a fresh perspective.
Fully understanding the needs of a business community, ALRUD law firm regularly monitors the legal regulation and court practice in the sphere of international commercial arbitration, and is ready to share its views on the current situation and the prospects of its development.

During the webinar, the lawyers of the International Arbitration Practice of ALRUD Law Firm will cover the following topics and questions:
• the peculiarities of international arbitration involving the Russian sanctioned persons or arising out of sanctions;
• practical advice on drafting the arbitration clauses in the current circumstances;
• review of the most recent precedents and trends in the area of international commercial arbitration.

The webinar will be helpful to a wide range of specialists: members of the management bodies of international companies, heads of legal departments of such companies, compliance and contract work specialists, etc.

ALRUD Law Firm

ALRUD Law Firm

Click here to register your interest.
Participation is free of charge.

Registration is required and is considered valid only after confirmation from our side. Please register from your corporate email address.

Should you have any questions regarding participation in the webinar, please contact our marketing team at:
Т: + 7 495 234 96 92 / +7 495 926 16 48
E: events@alrud.com

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