Новогодний литературно-исторический вечер «Франция: еда как источник радости и разочарования у Бальзака, Флобера и Золя» | 10.12.2024
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Opera evenings at Petroff Palace Hotel
04.07.2017 00:00 - 02:00

From May 18, 2017 to September 14, 2017 Muscovites and capital guests at 7 p.m. will have an opportunity to enjoy singing of the soloists of the Bolshoi Theater in the open air at Petroff Palace.

"Opera in Palace", included in the TOP 5 best events of the world according to Prestigious Stars Awards London in 2016, invites guests every Thursday to sit comfortably in the backyard of Petroff Palace, as well as on the terrace of the Karamzin restaurant, and accompanied by the sextet of the Bolshoi Theater to enjoy the performance of brilliant artists. Elena Zelenskaya, Alexander Naumenko, Alexandra Durseneva, Maxim Pasteur, Daria Zykova and other soloists of the Bolshoi Theater will perform for the guests famous works of Russian and foreign composers, recognized geniuses of classical music.
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