В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Outsourcing practice : secrets of efficient work
02.06.2016 14:30 - 16:30

BDO Unicon Outsourcing, Kelly Services, Astra Association and White&Case are pleased to invite to a business breakfast where participants can not only discuss transition to outsourcing and difficulties faced during this process, but also take part in solving real business cases. There will be two business breakfasts which will take place on 25th May and 2nd June.


  • How to transfer function to outsourcing
  • Contract: terms, obligatory and desirable contract clauses
  • Communication and change management
  • KPIs and SLA
  • Case session: discussion and solving situations and challenges faced by real companies

Working languages are English and Russian, no interpretation will be provided.


Yury Efrosinin, Director Operations Kelly OCG Russia
Liudmila Shusterova, Director, Strategic Development BDO Unicon Outsourcing
Nikolay Fioktistov, Partner, White&Case

Event will be interesting for CFO, HR and Administrative directors, as well as heads of departments and leading specialists working in those spheres. Number of participants is limited.

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