В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Produits frais : la nouvelle réalité des producteurs, fournisseurs et revendeurs
13.09.2016 16:00 - 18:00
The Conference «Fresh Produce Category: New Reality for Producers, Suppliers and Retailers» will take place on September 13 within the 10-th Russian Food Forum of World Food Trade Show in Moscow. This traditional for World Food Forum event will be organized by FruitNews Information Agency and ITE Moscow Exhibition Company.
Over the recent two years the Russian market of fruit and vegetables had to exist in the new reality. On the one hand, investments and state financial programs were supporting local vegetables growing, greenhouses development and fresh produce storage, on the other hand, under the pressure of decreasing consumers’ purchasing power, Russian ruble depreciation and numerous import restrictions the volume and variety of fruit and vegetables available in the Russian market was rapidly reducing. Thus, the profile of the Russian fresh produce category has totally changed.
Current development of the Russian fresh produce industry and interaction of its members in this new reality will be the key topics of the event.
The Conference will gather Russian and foreign producers of fresh fruit and vegetables, importers, representatives of retail chains, government and controlling organizations, heads of the industry associations and unions.
The event’s participants will discuss:
  • Opportunities and peculiarities of the local fresh produce production;
  • Future of greenhouses in Russia;
  • Potential of farmers’ cooperatives for fresh produce growing;
  • Innovations in technologies for fruit and vegetables growing, processing and storage;
  • Changes in the fresh produce consumption trends;
  • Fresh produce sales, interaction and cooperation with Russian retail chains;
  • Perspectives and new opportunities of fruit and vegetables import.
From the point of view of its organizers, the main goal of the Conference is to enhance communication and coordination between all members of fruit and vegetables supply chain in Russia. Potential participants of the event are invited to suggest topics and questions that will be discussed at «Fresh Produce Category: New Reality for Producers, Suppliers and Retailers» Conference through the interactive form on FruitNews.ru website.
The previous edition of the event – «Fresh Produce Category: An Era of Change» Conference took place on September 15, 2015 and attracted over one hundred participants of the Russian fresh produce industry, from producers to the largest retailers of Russia. This event was a unique platform for exchanging ideas between representatives of every level of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, industry representatives and state structures.

To find more information and to register for the event please visit the «Fresh Produce Category: New Reality for Producers, Suppliers and Retailers» Conference webpage at FruitNews website: http://fruitnews.ru,
the page of World Food 2016 Food Forum: http://www.world-food.ru, or contact the offices of FruitNews Information Agency and ITE Moscow Exhibition Company.

IA «FruitNews»
E-mail: info@fruitnews.ru
Phone: +7 (495) 729-3080
ITE Moscow
E-mail: worldfood@ite-expo.ru
Phone: +7 (495) 935-7350

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