В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
Присылайте Ваши вопросы на «горячую линию» hotline@ccifr.ru
Загрузка Мероприятия
RACE: Russian Affiliate Congress 2016
07.10.2016 20:30 - 22:30

About the Conference

The platform will bring together foreign and native speakers, experts and participants of the affiliate marketing sector, specialists of e-commerce and digital marketing, affiliate program owners and advertisers.     

Topics include:

affiliate marketing trends;
forex and binary options;
marketing automation and optomozation;
efficient tools of affiliate marketing;
lead generation;
traffic quality etc.

Slogan of Russian Affiliate Congress 2016 is:


To achieve your goals within current constant information flow and waking competition, it is not enough to go quickly or run, but you have to race!

RACE speeds up: movement, meeting with clients and partners as well as business monetization.          
Detailed road map – RACE 2016 program is in process.
Send us your feedback to the RACE center.
We will be glad to meet you! We are on the same way!     

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