В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Urgent problems in cooperation with certification agency
29.06.2016 15:00 - 17:00

We invite you to a business breakfast  « Urgent problems in cooperation with certification agency »  organised  by  « EvroEkspertStandart »  certification agency.

  • Why do you need certification agency?
  • How to avoid problems when interacting with certification agency?
  • What is a "conscientious" and "unscrupulous" certification agencies?
  • What are the risks and consequences for organizations engaged in cooperation with unscrupulous agencies on certification of products?

These and other questions will be discussed at a business breakfast on cooperation with certification agencies.

Business Breakfast will be conducted by Georgiy Grazhdaninov — Head of « EvroEkspertStandart » certification agency.
During the event, visitors will learn how to choose a certification agency and become familiar with the criteria for choosing a certification agency.
At the end of the business breakfast Georgiy will respond to all questions and will reveal several cases of personal professional experience.

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