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Vedomosti. Retail 2017 : l’avenir en horizon
29.03.2017 15:00 - 17:00
09:30 am − 10:00 am. Registration. Morning coffee
10:00 am − 11:30 am. Strategy session. Investments in retail development
The retail segment is traditionally considered to be rather conservative, yet dynamic. It makes this segment rather attractive for investment, on the one hand, and interesting for new innovative companies as potential customers, on the other.

Topics for discussion
Technologies of the Future and Their Impact on the Industry: AI, VR, BI, Machine Learning, etc. What business problems can they help to solve?
What are the most pressing issues for companies that invest in the retail segment?
How is the interaction between venture funds and traditional retailers maintained?
Do traditional retailers see the need to implement new technologies, and what are their priorities?
Top managers of the largest retailers and directors of venture funds.
The session is held in the form of a dialogue, the goal of which is to discover the common points and to plan the key focus areas for the industry in the next 5–10 years.
11:30 am – 12:00 noon. Coffee break
12:00 noon – 01:30 pm. Visionaries — about the future of the retail
CEOs of the leading companies in their segment will represent their vision of the future of technologies and companies in the mid- and long-term prospect, and of the strategic decisions that should be made now to retain market leadership or to lead the list of the top corporations in the future.
Topics for discussion
What investments are needed now to propel business to the next level?
How is the world around us changing?
What will the sector look like in the mid-term?
How will consumers adapt to these changes?
The Store of the Future: what is it like?
Key trends that are changing consumption patterns.
International retailers and experts, chief executives of the largest network retailers in Russia, and market analysts.
01:00 pm – 02:30 pm. Lunch
02:30 pm – 04:00 pm. Practical session. Real tools for improving business efficiency using new technologies
Topics for discussion
Interaction between the IT Director and CEO: do they see eye to eye when it comes to a company’s development strategy?
What are the main IT development trends in retail?
How should an IT budget be planned? How to maintain the quality of IT solutions while cutting costs. The priorities of IT solutions customers.
Information security in retail: the main risks and how to minimize them.
Is it possible to create an IT system in retail based on Russian software?
IT in logistics: cost optimization or extra costs.

Innovation and Strategy Directors, IT Directors of Russia’s leading retailers, and analysts and experts. 

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