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Webinar: New Personal Data Regulations in Russia
15.07.2015 17:00 - 19:00

 New Personal Data Regulations in Russia

Webinar on the New Personal Data Regulations in Russia is organized by support of the UK Trade & Investment , a government organisation supporting British businesses.

The new Federal Law on Data Protection, coming into force in September 2015, dictates that personal data on Russian citizens has to be stored in Russia – a dramatic legislative change which considerably affects all companies working in this market. 
This webinar looks into a complex issue of personal data regulations in Russia which many UK businesses working with Russian counterparts are sensitive to and offers a unique opportunity to hear from IXcellerate (Moscow-based data centre provider) and Mazars (Audit, Accounting, Tax, Legal and Financial Advisory services company) who will cast some light on the new legislation and explain how data centre services can help companies ensure adherence to the new regulations.
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