Новогодний литературно-исторический вечер «Франция: еда как источник радости и разочарования у Бальзака, Флобера и Золя» | 10.12.2024
В Москве состоялась нетворкинг-встреча международных ассоциаций — CCI France Russie и AmCham (Американской торговой палаты)
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Загрузка Мероприятия
XII Regional Investment Congress
12.12.2014 14:00 - 16:00



"La Chambre de commerce et d’industrie franco-russe compose une délégation de représentants des entreprises françaises afin d’intervenir dans le cadre de la session plénière ainsi que de la participation à tous les travaux prévus dans le cadre du XIIème Congrès régional des investissements organisé par l’agence de notation Expert RA, le 12 décembre 2014."
Si vous souhaitez participer à cette manifestation merci de contacter Ekaterina Mamatova à l’adresse : ekaterina.mamatova@ccifr.ru








Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!

EXPERT RA RATING AGENCY is inviting you to participate in the XII Regional Investment Congress due on December 12, 2014 in Moscow (Swissôtel Krasnye Holmy).

The Congress is aimed at discussing the results of the XIX Russian Regional Investment Climate Rating and experiences of interaction between Russian and foreign businesses and regional authorities.

On the agenda:

  • Investment climate is the key criterion for making investment decisions
  • Best practice to stimulate businesses and investment in Russian regions
  • Ways to support Russian and foreign businesses in regions in adverse external conditions
  • Cooperation of international business associations and regional authorities
  • Fiscal, financial and industrial national reforms

The official part of the Congress is to end with an awarding ceremony of the XIX Russian Regional Investment Climate Rating by EXPERT RA.

Participants: representatives of relevant federal ministries of Russia, regional authorities, development institutions, industrial parks, Russian and foreign investors, business associations and financial institutions and specialized media (200+ participants).

Further information about the Congress

Registration form

Contact information: Ksenya Pomogaeva, tel.+7 (495) 224-34-44, ex.1652, pomogaeva @raexpert.ru

As regards advertising opportunities, we will be happy to provide any information.

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