La rencontre networking de la CCI France Russie et de la Chambre de Commerce Américaine en Russie (AmCham) a eu lieu à Moscou
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25th Annual Russia Investor Conference in an online format
Online conference Gratuit
22.06.2021 - 25.06.2021 -

On 22-25 June 2021, Renaissance Capital will hold its 25th Annual Russia Investor Conference in an online format.

The event will offer a series of interviews with representatives of the government and Central Bank, including Sergey Ryabkov – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Alexey Moiseev – Deputy Finance Minister of the Russian Federation, and Alexey Zabotkin – Deputy Governor of the Bank of Russia, as well as public individual and group discussions with top managers of major corporates in addition to 1:1 meetings between companies and largest international and local investors.

The conference programme will include two panel discussions: ‘Response to climate change’ with speakers to include representatives of NOVATEK, SIBUR and Nornickel, and ‘Ecosystems pushing the limits and leaping to a new level’, involving top managers of Tinkoff Bank, AliExpress Russia JV, MTS and other sector champions and challengers.

If you are interested in attending the public part of the event, please register at

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